このリストは日本機械学会流体工学部門ニュースレター ながれ2007年12月号

DBDプラズマアクチュエータ -バリア放電を利用した新しい流体制御技術-

藤井孝藏(JAXA・ ISAS教授),松野隆(鳥取大・工学系研究科・講師)

12/1/2007 JAXA宇宙科学研究本部 藤井研究室

( 1) Shin, J., Narayanaswamy, V., Raja, L. L. and Clemens, N. T., Characterization of a Direct-Current Glow Discharge Plasma Actuator in Low-Pressure Supersonic Flow, AIAA Journal, Vol. 45, No.7 (2007), pp. 1596-1605.
( 2) Shin, J., Narayanaswamy, V., Raja, L. L. and Clemens, N. T., Characteristics of a plasma actuator in Mach 3 flow, AIAA Paper 2007-788(2007).
( 3) Samimy, M., Kim, J.-H., Kastner, J., Adamovich, I. and Utkin, Y., Active Control of a Mach 0.9 Jet for Noise Mitigation Using Plasma Actuators, AIAA Journal 45(4):890-901
AIAA JOURNAL, Vol. 45, No.4 (2007), pp. 890-901.
( 4) Utkin, Y. G., Keshav, S., Kim, J.-H., Kastner, J., Adamovich, I. V. and Samimy, M., Characterization of Localized Arc Filament Plasma Actuators Used for High-speed Flow Control, AIAA Paper 2007-787(2007).
( 5) Okazaki, S., Kogoma, M., Uehara, M. and Kimura, Y., Appearance of stable glow discharge in air, argon, oxygen and nitrogen at atmospheric pressure using a 50 Hz source, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 26, No.5 (1993), pp. 889-892.
( 6) Choi, J. H., Lee, T. I., Han, I., Baik, H. K., Song, K. M., Lim, Y. S. and Lee, E. S., Investigation of the transition between glow and streamer discharges in atmospheric air, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., Vol. 15, No.3 (2006), pp. 416-420.
( 7) Enloe, C. L., McLaughlin, T. E., VanDyken, R. D., Kachner, K. D., Jumper, E. J. and Corke, T. C., Mechanisms and Responses of a Single Dielectric Barrier Plasma Actuator: Plasma Morphology, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No.3 (2004), pp. 589-594.
( 8) Enloe, C. L., McLaughlin, T. E., VanDyken, R. D., Kachner, K. D., Jumper, E. J., Corke, T. C., Post, M. and Haddad, O., Mechanisms and Responses of a Single Dielectric Barrier Plasma Actuator: Geometric Effects, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No.3 (2004), pp. 595-604.
( 9) Enloe, C. L., McLaughlin, T. E., Font, G. I. and Baughn, J. W., Parameterization of Temporal Structure in the Single-Dielectric-Barrier Aerodynamic Plasma Actuator, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.6 (2006), pp. 1127-1136.
(10) Xu, X. P. and Kushner, M. J., Multiple microdischarge dynamics in dielectric barrier discharges, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 84, No.8 (1998), pp. 4153-4160.
(11) Gregory, J. W., Enloe, C. L., Font, G. I. and McLaughlin, T. E., Force Production Mechanisms of a Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuator, AIAA Paper 2007-185(2007).
(12) Massines, F., Rabehi, A., Decomps, P., Ben Gadri, R., Segur, P. and Mayoux, C., Experimental and theoretical study of a glow discharge at atmospheric pressure controlled by dielectric barrier, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 83, No.6 (1998), pp. 2950-2957.
(13) Shyy, W., Jayaraman, B. and Andersson, A., Modeling of glow discharge-induced fluid dynamics, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 92, No.11 (2002), pp. 6434-6443.
(14) Roth, J. R., Tsai, P. P., Liu, C., Laroussi, M. and Spence, P. D., One atmosphere, uniform glow discharge plasma, US Patent, 5414324(1995).
(15) Font, G. I. and Morgan, W. L., Recent Progress in Dielectric Barrier Discharges for Aerodynamic Flow Control, Contrib. Plasma Phys., Vol. 47, No.1-2 (2007), pp. 103-110.
(16) Orlov, D. M., Apker, T., He, C., Othman, H. and Corke, T. C., Modeling and Experiment of Leading Edge Separation Control Using SDBD Plasma Actuators, AIAA Paper 2007-877(2007).
(17) Corke, T. C., Post, M. L. and Orlov, D. M., SDBD plasma enhanced aerodynamics: concepts, optimization and applications, Progress in Aerospace Sciences In Press, Corrected, Vol. Proof, No. (2007), pp. .
(18) Corke, T. C., Jumper, E. J., Post, M. L., Orlov, D. and McLaughlin, T. E., Application of weakly-ionized plasmas as wing flow-control devices, AIAA Paper 2002-350(2002).
(19) Post, M. L. and Corke, T. C., Separation Control on High Angle of Attack Airfoil Using Plasma Actuators, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No.11 (2004), pp. 2177-2184.
(20) Roth, J. R., Sherman, D. M. and Wilkinson, S. P., Electrohydrodynamic Flow Control with a Glow-Discharge Surface Plasma, AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No.7 (2000), pp. 1166-1172.
(21) Post, M. L. and Corke, T. C., Separation Control Using Plasma Actuators: Dynamic Stall Vortex Control on Oscillating Airfoil, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.12 (2006), pp. 3125-3135.
(22) Huang, J., Corke, T. C. and Thomas, F. O., Plasma Actuators for Separation Control of Low-Pressure Turbine Blades, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.1 (2006), pp. 51-57.
(23) Huang, J., Corke, T. C. and Thomas, F. O., Unsteady Plasma Actuators for Separation Control of Low-Pressure Turbine Blades, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.7 (2006), pp. 1477-1487.
(24) Van Ness II, D. K., Corke, T. C. and Morris, S. C., Stereo PIV of a Turbine Tip Clearance Flow with Plasma Actuation, AIAA Paper 2007-647(2007).
(25) Porter, C. O., McLaughlin, T. E., Enloe, C. L., Font, G. I., Roney, J. and Baughn, J. W., Boundary Layer Control Using a DBD Plasma Actuator, AIAA Paper 2007-786(2007).
(26) Nelson, R. C., Corke, T. C., He, C., Othman, H., Matsuno, T., Patel, M. P. and Ng, T. T., Modification of the Flow Structure over a UAV Wing for Roll Control, AIAA Paper 2007-884(2007).
(27) Lopera, J., Ng, T. T., Patel, M. P., Vasudevan, S. and Corke, T. C., Aerodynamic Control of 1303 UAV Using Windward Surface Plasma Actuators on a Separation Ramp, AIAA Paper 2007-636(2007).
(28) Chan, S., Zhang, X. and Gabriel, S., Attenuation of Low-Speed Flow-Induced Cavity Tones Using Plasma Actuators, AIAA Journal,, Vol. 45, No.7 (2007), pp. 1525-1538.
(29) Matsuno, T., Kawazoe, H., Nelson, R. C. and Corke, T. C., Active Control of Asymmetric Forebody Vortices Using Plasma Actuators, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Tohoku University 21st COE program (2006), pp. 31-32.
(30) Matsuno, T., Kawazoe, H., and Nelson, R. C., Aerodynamic Control of High Performance Aircraft Using Plasma Actuators, Proceedings of the 2007 JSASS-KSAS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering(2007), pp. 44-47.
(31) 田中義輝, 藤井孝藏,プラズマアクチュエータによる火星航空機翼周り流れの制御,第19回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集,B8-1 (2005).
(32) 椿野大輔, 田中義輝, 藤井孝藏,プラズマアクチュエータを用いた翼前縁剥離の制御における位置及び個数の影響,日本機械学会論文集B編, 第73巻727号, No. 06-0718 (2007), pp. 663-669.
(33) 田中元史,林和夫,松 田寿,大友文雄,野田悦夫,新関良樹,安井祐之,志村尚彦,藤井孝藏,大山聖,二宮由光,非平衡プラズマによる気流制御(第1報)−プラズマ誘起噴流による翼面剥離抑制効果―,第85期日本機会学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集,503(2007).
(34) 松田寿,大友文雄,田中元史,林和夫,野田伸一,水野末良,内田竜朗,青木一義,新関良樹,野田悦夫,非平衡プラズマによる気流制御(第2報)−パルス変調制御の効果−,第85期日本機会学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集,504(2007).
(35) 二宮由光,藤井孝藏,プラズマアクチュエータを用いた失速制御における周波数の影響,第45回飛行機シンポジウム講演集,1F1(2007).
(36) 上田 忠雄,小河原 加久治, プラズマシンセティックジェットアクチュエータによる翼面はく離制御に関する数値実験, 第17 回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文, A4-2 (2003).
(37) Ogawara, K., Nakatani, N., Naka, T., Isobe, M. and Higuchi, T., Delayed Feedback Control for Flow around Wing using Plasma Synthetic Jet Actuator, AIAA Paper 2006-1406(2006).
(38) Abe, T., Takizawa, Y., Sato, S. and Kimura, N., A Parametric Experimental Study for Momentum Transfer by Plasma Actuator, AIAA Paper 2007-187(2007).
(39) Takizawa, Y., Matsuda, A., Kikuchi, K., Sasoh, A. and Abe, T., Optical Observation of Discharge Plasma Structure in DBD Plasma Actuator, AIAA Paper 2007-4376(2007).
(40) Segawa, T., Furutani, H., Yoshida, H., Jukes, T. and Choi, K.-S., Wall Normal Jet under Elevated Temperatures Produced by Surface Plasma Actuator, AIAA Paper 2007-784(2007).
(41) Isono, S., Takagaki, M., Nagai, H. and Asai, K., Investigation of the Plasma actuator performance on the Martian Atmosphere, Fourth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Tohoku University 21st COE program 3-2-3(2007).
(42) 松野 隆,川添 博光,石田 誉, プラズマアクチュエータによる衝撃波位置制御の試み, 第39回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2007講演論文集, (2007).